Amoragori Social & Humanitorian Association


Founded in 2014, ASHA heartily and earnestly aims to stand beside those lots of people who are lagging behind the main race in our society. To give their dreams the touch of reality, ASHA's prime movers are focussing on the education and health of these under-privileged class. But the immediate objective is to impart education to children hailing from those families, where the light of education is yet to make into the scene.

Primarily initiated with the inducement of giving a helping hand towards the poor, suppressed and marginalised class Asha's membersĀ are looking after the health of these people and making them aware of hygiene and healthful living. In addition to all these, education is transfused among mothers so that they could watch over their child's health and education. To promote and encourage the students with their studies, book banks have been arranged. ASHA's apothegm is to prop and puff the debilitated class so that they deem to be self-sufficient.


ASHA provides financial and Technical assistance for empowering the debiliated class by focusing on their health and education within their own charitable programs.


Our aim is to fuelling the principal ambitions of the underprivileged children and youth by focusing on their creative skills and basic education so that they deem to be self sufficient

On Behalf of ASHA, It is our utmost request to all of you that

  1. lease come forward and extend your helping hand to these children by any means possible.
  2. To give you an expenditure skeleton, It is also pertinent to mention here that
    1. Approximately, costing of Rs. 4000 is required for their education each month, which includes expenditure of books and fees of the teacher.
    2. Approximately, costing of Rs. 2000 is required every week for 25 heads for their tiffin.
    3. Approximately, costing of Rs. 3000 is required every month for their medical facilities which includes expenditure of medicines and fees of the doctors.
  3. You can also help those kids by any means. Please note the bank details by which you can donate whatever amount you can to help those children